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Fact Sheets & GEANS Stories

Fact Sheets


A curated SEQUENCE LIBRARY: the fundament of all DNA-based monitoring




Monitoring Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) in the marine environment


Autonomous Reef Monitoring System: the methodology


Reproducibility and robustness of metabarcoding


Detecting DNA: metabarcoding vs. qPCR

GEANS stories


eDNA supplements scuba diver observations in hard substrate monitoring


Monitoring of non-indigenous species in ports and shipping lanes


DNA-based impact monitoring: the case of sand extraction in Belgium


Biofouling on recreational vessels: metabarcoding for rapid screening of NIS


Identifying North Sea fish with nanopore sequencing, using eDNA


Detecting NIS in Danish harbors: visual screening vs. metabarcoding vs. qPCR


DNA-based impact monitoring: the case study of long-term monitoring at Norderney Island


Detecting fauna in Belgian wind farms, using eDNA


Soft sediment monitoring for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive


The GEANS reference library of North Sea macrobenthos